News of HIDRALMAC Europe GmbH



We are pleased to announce that HIDRALMAC Group did the acquisition of the company HIDRODINÂMICA, a traditional manufacturer of hydraulic presses with more than 30 years on the market located in Caxias do Sul Rio Grande do Sul.

According to Diego Teixeira, President and CEO of the HIDRALMAC group and responsible for the industrial division of AFLG Holdings

Now is a time of big changes and we must be prepared for the near future. Searching the amplifying our participation on local and international market, whit the acquisition as a company with the history of HIDRODINÂMICA make our brand stronger and increase our participation in the south of the Brazil. “

HIDRODINÂMICA will keep the name and tradition. Mr. Fadanelli will continuous to management the business in the South of Brazil.

HIDRALMAC Group is a company of the AFLG Group Holdings.

HIDRALMAC Changing in every moment.


HIDRALMAC PH4C Rotor Press 150 To

HYDRAULIC PRESS for production of Rotors for electrical Motors.

  • Pressing force: 100to / Alternative 150to
  • Distance between stanchion: 1.600mm
  • Distance between tables 2.600 – 2.900mm

With maintanance plattform

HIDRALMAC Europe now certified retailer of

HIDRALMAC Europe is successfully verified with the Machineseeker trust seal. We are now certified retailer of
Here you can read more about the trust seal.

2-Columns Hydraulikpress for Lickstones

We are currently manufacturing a two-column press for the production of mineral licks. These mineral licks are mainly used in agriculture and animal husbandry to provide livestock with salt and other minerals. The so-called cattle-salt is automatically transported to a form with a capacity of 900 kg. The compact is transported to a outlet belt after pressing via hydraulic cylinder.

A Hydraulicpress and a Diamond

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, so called the famous Song of Actor Marilyn Monroe. You could suggest that a  Hydraulicpress and a Diamond would not be the best fit. Or? The answer to the question is provided by Youtube Channel Hydraulic Press Channel.

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